Groups & Shops

Обмен интересными фотографиями в стиле Polaroid из различных городов и стран | The exchange of interesting photos in Polaroid style from different cities and countries
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From Guatemala / Solola / Caliaj

Rating: 3


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


I am from Guatemala. I like to collect everything related European and American culture. Buttons, matches, cigarette packs.
I also collect postcards.
I would be happy with any souvenirs.
Come on a visit to Guatemala. I meet you and show you our wonderful region.

Exchange Preferences

I am from Guatemala. I like to collect everything related European and American culture. Buttons, matches, cigarette packs.
I also collect postcards.
I would be happy with any souvenirs.
Come on a visit to Guatemala. I meet you and show you our wonderful region.

Personal Photos

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