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Tea exchange

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From Russian Federation / Saratov / Saratov

Rating: 10


Postcards 2 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


Hello everyone!
My name is Kristina. I live in Russia in small city Saratov. I am 15. I enjoy to speak English! I am in 8th grade of a public school!
I am interested in culture, music, arts,movies, traveling, food and many other things . My hobbies are: dancing, skayting, singing and reading.
I'd be happy to find a lot of friends from different countries and cities!

Exchange Preferences

anything will make me happy!


  • This user received postcard BY-1958 from user Lucky1980

  • This user received postcard LV-62 from user clickie

  • This user received postcard BY-1672 from user TimEro

  • User EllenRoux received postcard RU-9152 from this user

  • User Olga_G received postcard RU-9150 from this user