Groups & Shops

Series cards
Обмін по Україні - Exchange in Ukraine

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Rostov / Taganrog

Rating: 14


Postcards 3 4
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Валентина
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 1994-04-27


Hi. I'm from Russia. I love to travel and collect cards and souvenirs from different countries.

My adress:

Kalitventseva V.P.
Russia, Rostov region
Initsiativnaya st. 54, 922(3)

Exchange Preferences

I love the postcards with the sights


  • This user received postcard BY-3972 from user lkhris

  • This user received postcard RU-15698 from user svetik161

  • This user received postcard IT-79 from user supersabs

  • User Magic46 received postcard RU-1324 from this user

  • This user received postcard IT-59 from user Claudia

  • User Olya received postcard RU-1322 from this user

  • User pulcinka received postcard RU-1321 from this user