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Discussions, chat and dating (in English) #16


Midou19 2019 m. spalio 19 d. 17:25


Mihnea 2015 m. gruodžio 5 d. 01:23

I will send a free postcard to whom will send me free hugs and free kisses. Just PM me :)

Katrin K 2015 m. gruodžio 4 d. 23:58

Hello everyone,
If you happen to have a free postcard you might want to send it to one boy. He'll appreciate it so much. Here's what his mother says:

---Good morning. I have a request to all my friends:December 31, my son Ivan is nearly 12 years old, and he loves to get cards. My son is autistic. I want to ask you to take a few minutes of your time to send him a small post card and send my request to all your friends. In advance thank you for the gesture, which will make my Ivan is very happy.

Strunharu Ivan
1 A-9
Tchisti, Molodechno / Minsk / Belarus, 222321

Mihnea 2015 m. gruodžio 5 d. 01:23

I'm in!

natureislelove 2015 m. gegužės 9 d. 17:15

One day we'll all find what we desire and deserve. #OneLove

bond girl 2015 m. sausio 18 d. 23:02

love each other and be happy

yakushewsky 2015 m. sausio 17 d. 14:50


yakushewsky 2015 m. sausio 9 d. 14:54

I was not born for one corner, the whole world is my native land!

simsim 2015 m. sausio 15 d. 18:20

My address is not home and no street, my address is the Soviet Union

yakushewsky 2015 m. sausio 9 d. 14:53

Future now

yakushewsky 2015 m. sausio 9 d. 14:34


yakushewsky 2015 m. sausio 9 d. 14:09

The 15 New Books to Read in 2015