Groups & Shops

Обмен косметикой и косметическими средствами из разных городов и стран | The exchange of cosmetics and cosmetic products from different cities and countries
Towns / Города :-)

Top countries


From Indonesia / Yogyakarta / Jogjakarta

Rating: 26


Postcards 3 5
Souvenirs 2 3
Group Postages 0 0


Hello, apa kabaaaarrrr??? we're Rayi and Umit from Indonesia. We're a traveller couple (in process :p). We will visit everywhere in the world. We like everything about tourism destination, so we hope you will send a great postcard about your tourism destination in your country.

Rayi is a designer, really love about art, music, traditional culture, illustration, etc. And Umit is an engineer, she love everything about math and physic. I don't know why we can love each other, and I think maybe differences is an appeal for us :S

But, we have a same hobby, that's making friends from others country and learning something new from them.

Feels free to write with ♥ and happy exchanging !

Exchange Preferences

Everything souvenirs, maybe coin, keychains, fridge magnet, poster, etc

We love traveling, so we really like postcard with tourism destination in your country. We also like human with full of expression pictures (especially baby!), animal pictures, and food pictures. We'll glad to get postcard with picture like that :D

if you will come to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, you can tell us to know more about hidden tourism destination :)


  • This user received postcard DE-415 from user Stef2104

  • This user received postcard RU-22037 from user marie_amur

  • This user received postcard RU-20857 from user liz70740

  • This user received souvenir RU-10630 from user VikaK

  • This user received postcard RU-20586 from user Catodog

  • This user received souvenir RU-9927 from user Nata33ru

  • This user received souvenir RU-10455 from user Alina25471

  • User Sunny received souvenir ID-29 from this user

  • This user received postcard BY-3416 from user Selena85

  • User Djuce received postcard ID-85 from this user

  • User Selena85 received postcard ID-82 from this user

  • User BeDaLeK received postcard ID-83 from this user

  • User elena_21 received souvenir ID-27 from this user