Groups & Shops

Catholic souvenirs exchange (Wymiana katolickimi pamiątkami)
Postcards made from boxes

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moskva / Bogorodskoye

Rating: 12


Postcards 2 4
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Ксения(Kseniya)
Sex Female


Люблю осень, листву.
Люблю животных - собак и медведей особенно.
And text translation:
I love autumn, foliage.
I love animals - dogs and bears especially.


  • This user received postcard BY-2703 from user strelka1313

  • User Nataly123 received postcard RU-2330 from this user

  • This user received postcard TR-9 from user maviska

  • This user received postcard KG-25 from user nikto

  • This user received postcard BY-803 from user Natasha322

  • User x3110s received postcard RU-2331 from this user