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From Russian Federation / Sverdlovsk / Krasnoufimsk

Rating: 70


Postcards 17 18
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Софья
Sex Female


My name is Sofiya. I'm 17 years old. I'm from Russia.
My hobbies are: reading, drawing, skaiting, shooting, English and postcrossing.
Can tell much about teens in Russia, Russian meal, holidays and others.
Also I like dogs very much and Russian cars.

I'll be happy to be your penfriend!

Exchange Preferences

I like all postcards but I'm very interesting to receive postcards with:
* Landscapes
* Animals (especially dogs)
* Cars
* Cities views
* Flowers and nature
* sweets and other things to eat
* And birthday's cards in Deсember :)

If you don't know, what to write, you can tell me about:
* some words in your language.
* what you think about Russia and Russian people.
* who are you and what are your hobbies, etc.
