Groups & Shops

Old vinyl records (Старые грампластинки)
Обменяемся посылками)

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From Russian Federation / Leningrad / Gatchina

Rating: 4


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Nadia
Sex Female


Hello everybody!
My name is Nadia. I would like to get postcards with beautiful buildings, funny animals, dogs, organs(musical instrument), cutie kids, sunsets .
I VERY fond of squirrels.
But I'd be very happy to receive any sort of a card.

I would like to get my postcards written by yourself.
I'm also happy about nice stamps on the postcard!

I'm interested in "panfriending" or just sending cards! :)



  • This user received postcard BY-2077 from user kanava

  • User t1nka received postcard RU-10835 from this user