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Author's postcards of Rina Zenyuk / Авторские открытки Рины Зенюк

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From Russian Federation / Altaisky krai / Barnaul

Rating: 16


Postcards 3 5
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Настасья
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 2 set 1993


  • This user received postcard US-248 from user Mica

  • This user received postcard BY-3525 from user tatius4

  • This user received postcard RU-17136 from user AnniK

  • This user received postcard RU-17101 from user katia525

  • This user received postcard RU-17134 from user Nina28

  • User AnniK received postcard RU-16649 from this user

  • User rita1969 received postcard RU-16652 from this user

  • User Sp-mafia received postcard RU-16650 from this user