Groups & Shops

FAQ: на русском
обмен журналами Burda и выкройками Burda magazines and patterns
Обмен монетами. Коллекционирование монет. Exchange of coins. Collecting coins.

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From Uzbekistan / Toshkent / Tashkent

Rating: 40


Postcards 1 17
Souvenirs 0 2
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Yuliya F
Sex Female


  • This user received postcard RU-12324 from user Istomina-Tatiana97

  • This user received postcard RU-12977 from user Jury

  • This user received postcard DE-64 from user tata205

  • This user received postcard BY-1936 from user Javia

  • User tasya received postcard UZ-3 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-1968 from user Nats

  • This user received postcard RU-3285 from user ChristinaK

  • This user received souvenir RU-4995 from user Alena_w

  • This user received postcard RU-7232 from user JaneCurman

  • This user received postcard RU-4031 from user SantaAnn

  • This user received souvenir RU-581 from user svf838

  • This user received postcard RU-3401 from user Mashvah

  • This user received postcard RU-2728 from user taranka

  • This user received postcard RU-2773 from user blackcat

  • This user received postcard BY-559 from user Milena-

  • This user received postcard RU-1471 from user Findir

  • This user received postcard RU-1258 from user eugen_1981

  • This user received postcard UA-186 from user Nata007

  • This user received postcard RU-553 from user Alex610

  • This user received postcard BY-131 from user polym