Groups & Shops

Сувениры - магниты - монеты | Souvenirs - magnets - coins
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Meetup postcards

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From Italy / Trentino-Alto Adige / Meran

Rating: 12


Postcards 3 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Sabine
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Dec 16, 1978


I'm Sabine, and i live with my husband and our 2 daughters(4 and 6 years old)in Merano, a small city in South Tyrol(North Italy).

What to say? We are a normal family, with "normal" hobbies.
I like to read, cook, climbing, speleo, and i like also geocaching and bookcrossing.

Exchange Preferences

If you want to send us a special card, we like:
-natural fenomenas (geysir, north light, vulcano, etc.)
-hello kitty, Rilakkuma,... for my daughters
-Kingfisher (Eisvogel)
-Russian churches
-buddha, Ganesh, Rama, Vishnu or other gods
-unicorns, fantasy

We like our bento boxes to eat lunch, so we love the different things (sticks, molds and so on) but here in Italy we found nothing. The same for stickers, stamps and so from Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma :-)
