Groups & Shops

Обмен продуктами питания/Food
Stop the War in Ukraine

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From Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Depok

Rating: 10


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 1 0
Group Postages 0 2

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Apr 21, 1995




Study in Jakarta State University, major in accounting


spreading smiles everywhere

Exchange Preferences

For the souvenir:
I collect coins, banknotes, stamps, tea, magnets, bookmarks, vintage stickers, washi tape samples, rubber and clear stamps. I also like gardening, if you have some seeds specially for vegetables or spices/herbs like oregano, basil, and rosemary I'd glad to receive. I also like the dried spices/herbs one.

If you're knitting something, feel free if you want to share it with me. You also can send me tea, sweets, dark chocolate, newspaper/magazine cut, maps, or another little snack will brightening my day.
If you write a letter, I'd be very happy :)

For the postcard:
I like card with the following pics of city view, black and white, landscape, bridges, maps, recipe, aviation, watercolour painting etc.

you can write or doodling anything there, I like fully written cards.
I'd love beautiful stamps, specially the commemorative one :)

Have a great day...


