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Top countries


From Indonesia / Jawa Tengah / Semarang

Rating: 8


Postcards 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name April
Sex Female


Dear everyone,
Greetings from Indonesia :)

Halo! My name is April, and now I'm still pursuing my studies in Clinical Psychology.

I love reading, I love trying new restaurants, and I love solving the crosswords from sunday newspaper.
I also think that I am a good listener. Kindly send me a message if you need someone to talk to. You're not alone :)

I would be very happy to receive artistic postcard (just a wish, not a demand) such as:
- paintings (i love victorian and impressionism) ❤
- illustrations (e.g: mucha, tausendschön, where's wally, etc)
- cherubs
- maps
- penguin classics book covers
- collectible postcard series
- big letter US states
- any navy colour themed cards

Of course I would be very happy to receive any beautiful single view postcard from you, and I really appreciate the time and effort that you give to me when you prepare the postcard.

Ah.. Don't forget to write me loooong message/story on that tiny space on postcard (this one is a demand hehee..)

Have a great day!
Hope to hear from you soon..

Yours trully,
April x

Dear Anastasia from Minsk - Belarus
You forgot to write your ID
Please message me :)

Exchange Preferences

For souvenirs I would love to receive bank notes or coins from your lovely country. I think I will start to collect them :)
But I'm open to any kind of souvenirs that you prepare for me: fridge magnet, coin purse, candies, keychain, roll up small painting, etc.
I'm so excited about this!
Thank you in advance :)


  • This user received postcard HU-640 from user dormi

  • This user received postcard DE-745 from user arfani

  • User chaba_deme received postcard ID-384 from this user

  • User arfani received postcard ID-383 from this user