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From Italy / Lombardia / Milano

Rating: 20


Postcards 4 4
Souvenirs 0 2
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Maurizio
Sex Male


I live in Milan, I love collecting stamps, coins and postcards from all over the world. The type of cards that I prefer are those of landscapes, cities, monuments and all that regards the geography, travel, history and atmosphere of all parts of the world but each type of card is right for me. I have many cards and I can send any type of card.


  • This user received souvenir RU-1211 from user GERA-ina

  • This user received postcard RU-1312 from user Wrybel

  • This user received postcard RU-4570 from user ILOVERUSSIA

  • This user received postcard RU-2816 from user Honey_777

  • This user received souvenir RU-1512 from user macadamy

  • This user received postcard RU-2360 from user singer55

  • User Honey_777 received postcard IT-4 from this user

  • User Mila1361 received postcard IT-6 from this user

  • User belo4ka received postcard IT-3 from this user

  • User gaviota received postcard IT-2 from this user