Groups & Shops

Wooden Postcards Exchange
Postcards from all Regions, Republics and Territories of Russian Federation

Top countries


From Australia / Tasmania / Glenorchy

Rating: 22


Postcards 4 7
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Tasha
Sex Female


I'm a 36 year old Canadian, currently living in Australia. I enjoy hiking, scuba diving, abseiling, astrology and dancing. I love Doctor Who :-) I keep a blog with all my received postcards. Sometimes I get one with no ID on it, so if you sent me one and it isn't registered yet, please check there to see if I've received it, and contact me to let me know the ID to register!

Exchange Preferences

I love exchanging postcards from all over the world! I have no preference on the type of card - sender's choice. :-) I love stamps, so please use as many unique and beautiful stamps as you can.

Please write the date on your card, and tell me something about your country, city, yourself, your hobbies, whatever!

