Groups & Shops

Бонистика (боны, банкноты, купюры)
képeslapok / postcards
music - музыка - zene

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Tatarstan / Kazan

Rating: 14


Postcards 6 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Яна (Yana)
Sex Female


Hello everyone! My name is Yana.
I live in Kazan. This is a very old and beautiful city. I am a mother to 2 children (boy and girl). I love to sew teddy bears and collect them. I love rock and classical music, I love to read books.

Exchange Preferences

Please write a few lines in your language
I like the postcard, which tells about your country or the city or culture. Overlooking the city, museum, monument, any interest of your city or country.
The famous people - scientists, athletes, artists, etc. (except for singers), the heroes of fairy tales your country or folk tales (illustrations)
Please send a postcard without an envelope, I like the stamps on the postcard. If this is not possible, then please put a date

Not sure what to write - I will be very glad if you write about your country, city, perhaps about the customs, and a little about yourself.

if your card for me is greater than 50 days, please let me know with ID and I note her "come"
