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test group
December Birthday Cards (Folded Birthday Cards)

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Saint Petersburg City / Saint Petersburg

Rating: 150


Postcards 25 20
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Valeriya
Sex Female


Веселый человек, любящий свою семью, книги и путешествия:)

Exchange Preferences

Hi everyone!
I'm Valeriya & I live in Saint-Petersburg.
I love postcards and I bring postcards always from my travels. I like the different postcards. So I like cats, retro style, fashion events,everything related to fashion
I am looking forward to your postcards!
So if you write something in your own language it will be great! I'm interested in other cultures, so it would be nice if you write a bit about youself.
Well, if you dont know what to send, you can choose something from my list:
traditional things of your area, national features of your country, history, culture; traditional clothing, retro style, fashion events, everything related to fashion; flowers, greeting сards;
photocard; Hollywood movie star 1920 - 1970-s, portraits of Hollywood actors and actresses, footage from the film, reprints of old postcards; author's cards with the signature of the artist but not made by hand; landscapes, especially marine species; animals, especially cats.

I also love postcards by hand made, create and fantasize, I really like it. The only thing, write why you drew or came up with just such cards. If you draw that will be happy to see your figures.
I also love anime cards especially the creativity of Miyadzaki. In general, I'm interested in the author's cards, the work of various illustrators, artists and designers. ..

Всем привет! Я буду рада любым открыткам и сюрпризам. Однако с особым интересом отнесусь к следующим темам: мода (картинки с портретами дам разных эпох, а также всякие дамские аксессуары, одежда, обувь...), различные механизмы и устройства (в особенности, часовые механизмы и швейные машинки), разнообразные Аксессуары для шитья и рукоделия, морские пейзажи и горные пейзажи, а также морские обитатели. Люблю handmade, творите, фантазируйте и смело шлите:)
Если ничего нет из перечисленного, не страшно, пришлите любую черно-белую открытку. ;) или зарубежную открытку, изданную не в России.
