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Wish cards
SkyCrossing in Minsk

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From Taiwan / T'ai-wan / Kaohsiung

Rating: 12


Postcards 3 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Tingyu Cheng (鄭婷予)
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jan 5, 2000


Skype Tingyu_Cheng


Study in junior college of the first year


你好/ Hello/ Bonjour! My Chinese name is Tingyu Cheng (鄭婷予), English name is Charlie and French name is Caroline. I'm 16, from Taiwan.
I study in bilingual school. I major in French and minor in English. I can speak Chinese, English and a little bit French:)

I enjoy learning languages and I'm interested in cultures. My dream is studying in France, traveling around the world and work abroad:")
You can tell me about your real life, dreams, everything about yourself or cultures in your country. I really want to know the world.
I like photography/ travel/ music/ movie/ novel/ dessert.

If you like photography as me, you can send me some pics that you took. xD
p.s. Please write down the DATE when you write the postcard, thank you! If you don't mind, please sign on your REAL NAME, not English name.
If you know Chinese, you can try to write in Chinese. I won't laugh, just try your best^_^ I'll be greatful.
如果你會寫中文的話, 可以用中文寫給我~~

Pleased to receive the postcards from you:)

Exchange Preferences

-photography works by yourself
-flag of your country
-snow (I've not seen snow, but I think maybe it looks beautiful.)
-special scenery in your country
-your city where you live
-your favorite card
-tasty food in your country

You can send me the postcards about your country, yourself or everything you want to send. Anyway, I would be very happy for whatever you send xD


  • This user received postcard RU-30258 from user lutochkina

  • This user received postcard RU-30246 from user Lebedok

  • This user received postcard SG-39 from user Cheryl

  • User Neko received postcard TW-611 from this user

  • User ovidius received postcard TW-610 from this user

  • User Cheryl received postcard TW-612 from this user