Groups & Shops

БО БФ "Создай лучшее будущее"

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Saint Petersburg City / Saint Petersburg

Rating: 10


Postcards 3 1
Souvenirs 1 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Vlad
Sex Male
Date Of Birth May 21, 1991


My name is Vlad. I'm 21 years old student from St.Petersburg - second largest city in Russia. I study at the Maritime Academy and I want to be a cool sailor in future. I'm a very creative guy and every day i have a big varity of different ideas. So, I'd like to know everything about this wonderful world. I'm a sailor and I love travelling. I like to visit many places and know something new. This project is a very cool idea for such people like me. I collect many different things at my home, so i will be happy to receive something new.

Exchange Preferences

It is depends on your taste. Surprise me :)
My "wish list" (just in case):
- Fridge Magnet
- something made ​​of wood or iron
- figurines attraction
- newspapers
- tickets
- something special
... In short - I'll be glad to receive such thing, what would you like to send to yourself :) I will be glad to receive any surprise from you.

P.S.: If you want to send for me something cheap and not attractive - send me little stone from your city or interesting newspaper article, it will be better. Thanks for understanding :)




  • User LYARA received souvenir RU-7271 from this user

  • This user received postcard PL-297 from user anka1601

  • User TimEro received postcard RU-11325 from this user

  • User pio06 received postcard RU-11323 from this user

  • User samlanka received postcard RU-11322 from this user