Groups & Shops

Обмін по Україні - Exchange in Ukraine
Обмен продуктами питания из разных стран

Top countries


From India / Tamil Nadu / Chennai

Rating: 14


Postcards 4 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Preethi
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jun 9, 1986

Exchange Preferences

Hi, I am Preethi from India.
I am interested in the below themes.
1. Greetings From.
2. Flag of the World
3. WOW Cards
4. WT
5. National costumes
6. State Map
7. Native animals and birds
8. Disney
9. Transportation
7. Cuisine
8. Children picture book illustration
9. Beautiful places in your country
10. Maxim Cards
11. Flag Cards
12. Informative Cards
I would like to receive cards with multiple stamps.
It would be great if you could add information related to your city or country or any fact, since I have a 8 year curious kid at home who is very much interested in these.


  • User fishflies received postcard IN-691 from this user

  • This user received postcard HU-1042 from user dormi

  • This user received postcard DE-1125 from user Thomas61

  • This user received postcard DE-1117 from user Elsa

  • User chaba_deme received postcard IN-694 from this user

  • User NanaTheDiva received postcard IN-693 from this user

  • User dorothy received postcard IN-692 from this user