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Towns / Города :-)

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From Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Haltern in Westfalen

Rating: 51


Postcards 5 5
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


I'm a 45 years old (female) social worker. I love to work and talk with people around me.
In my freetime I love to travel ♥, ride my Vespa ♥, relax in the sun ♥, visit street festivals, funfairs and concerts, or read a book.
One or two times a year I'm in Greece (Rhodos) and maybe you'll get a nice card from there...
I have joined this site to receive interesting postcards from around the world. But I found out that picking a card for someone brings me even more joy!

Exchange Preferences

- Heidi (Johanna Spyri)!!!
- Vespa (and VW Beetle)
- Mila Marquis ♥
- Marie Cardouat
- "Liebe ist..." Postkarten/the "Love is ..." called editons of Kim Casali
- GEO-Postkarten
- Rezept-Postkarten von Elke Schillai (
- Postcards with lots of glitter
- Gotochi cards
- "Greetings from..." by Postallove
- Briards / Berger de Brie
- red fly agaric
- colorful postcards
- beautiful nature
- sheeps (photos)
- spices
- Cabo Verde
- hearts
- Natalia Maroz
- Victoria Kirid
- selfmade postcards (-maybe a painting from your child?)
- unusual, exceptional, crazy postcards ;-)
- characteristic faces (/intersting-looking people)
- interesting surface of postcards (like some roughness,...)
- amusement parks (especially roller coasters!) -> my boyfriend
will love it ;-)
- something from my favourites
( )
- your favourite postcard

- or following singers/actors:
- Boy George / Culture Club
- Herbert Grönemeyer
- Moritz Bleibtreu
- Al Pacino
- James Stewart
- Cary Grant
- Iron Maiden (for my boyfriend)
- Bud Spencer & Terence Hill (for my boyfriend)

- "Message in a Bottle"
- Wooden postcard
- knitted/crocheted postcard
- Surprise me! :-)

-> Don' worry if you do not have one of this things! I am looking forward to (almost) every card! ;-)

You may also send these cards in envelopes and add photographies - as you like it!
It would be amazing to get your own photographies or paintings, maybe showing yourself, your family and friends, your favourite place, a special event, ...!
Or add something else from you/your country: A page of the newspaper, an article about social work(er) ;-), an interesting ticket or a letter from you, anything nice you want to send!
I also love gifts! ;-)

Please don't send me postcards with typical tourist motives (multiviews!, cities, buildings, a.s.o.)! I don't like them!
(Singleview with beaches or nice landscapes are welcome!)

With your postcards please inform me about who you are, your age and profession(, do you like it?), your hobbies and favourite music, your dreams ...
Tell me about your day! Are you happy this time? Why not?

Please answer briefly (one word/one sentence) the following question:

-> "What is "the most important thing" in your life?

Thank you and best regards, Kipsy.

Personal Photos

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