Groups & Shops

Exchange of pens and pencils (local, regional, national). \ Обмен ручками и карандашами (местными, региональными, национальными).
Обмен открытками из Казани
Washi Tape Souvenir Exchange

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Leningrad / Kirovsk

Rating: 40


Postcards 5 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Ekaterina
Sex Female
Date Of Birth May 6, 1994


My name is Katerina. I live near the wonderful city of St. Petersburg. I love postcrossing. I collect a variety of postcards (from flowers to superheroes).
I collect chocolate, matchboxes and banknotes from different countries.
I will be glad to receive any greetings from you =)))
