Groups & Shops

Beautiful postcards with a message <3
Прямой обмен почтовыми марками! Direct exchange of stamps!
Inpostage shop in Ukraine

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Arkhangel'sk / Severodvinsk

Rating: 18


Postcards 5 4
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Елена
Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

Hello! My name is Elena. I'm from Russia.
I live in Severodvinsk on shore of the White Sea.
I like read books, go to the theater and receive greeting cards)))
I am collecting postcards with giraffes.
Please, write me about you, your country, about the image on the postcard, interesting quote, book and writer.

My wishlist:
* Maxicards
* Giraffes
* Zoos
* Famous people
* Fantasy (mermaids, dragons)
* Books
* Diddl
* Old Ladies by Inge Löök
* Funny cards
* Shoes with heels
* Greetings from...
* Suitcases
* Metro

Envelope-yes, stamp - yes!
I love sugar bags, if you want,send me it :)

Happy postcrossing!

