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Обмен таблетками\костерами\подставками под пиво\ beer coasters\ glass coasters
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From Russian Federation / Moskva / A adino

Rating: 10


Postcards 3 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Jullia
Sex Female


Hi/bonjour/ciao/bore da! :)
My name is Julia.I'm 17 and I study at leavers' class.I adore communicating with people from another parts of our planet, because I'm dreaming of traveling around the world, and one day I think I'll move from Russia,but where I'll go, I've still had no idea :D
Want to visit Canada, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Japan, South Africa, all Europe, etc.
I love horse riding, painting, music (i play the guitar).

Exchange Preferences

You can write me in english, russian. If I start to study italian and welsh I'll add them to the list too ;)
Si vous voulez, vous me pouvez écrire en français aussi. :)

Also, i'll be glad to get:
- postcards (HORSES, cats, dogs, nature, trains, snakes, monuments, cities... and so on and so forth);
- pictures or souvenirs, which are drown or made by yourself, or just bought (that doesn't matter);
- your fotos ;D

If you'll come to Moscow, you can just let me know ;)

twitter: RastaBerrys
skype: protonefilim

Looking forward to letters!;)
