Groups & Shops

Written Recipes on Postcards
Postcards, postcards, postcards (открытки)

Top countries


From China / Tianjin / Hongxing

Rating: 14


Postcards 5 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Cui Zhenghao
Sex Male
Date Of Birth Nov 16, 2000


Phone +8613311253610


Dalian University


Hi! Cześć! ?Hola! Γεια! Привет! Hallo! Hello! Ciao! Salut! :-)...

My Chinese name is Cui Zhenghao and my English name is Calvin.

I'm so excited to receive postcards from all over the world.
And, I'll love it whatever you choose for me!

I am a lover of postcards and stamps. I like all kinds of postcards and stamps. I like world travel, so I prefer postcards that can reflect the humanities and local characteristics, such as local people, local clothes, local buildings, local animals, local plants and so on. Beautiful commemorative stamps or space stamps are extra surprises for me.

If you send a card in an envelope, you can put into it something little and cute (f.e. coins, that are used in your country, metro cards, stickers, bookmarks, tea bags, magnets or a drawing by you).

I registered the day I received the postcard. I won't keep you waiting.

Sometimes postcard may be lost on the way. So please tell me when I don't register your postcard after a long time since you sent it out.

Exchange Preferences

