Groups & Shops

FAQ: на русском
Handmade shop

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Saratov / Engels

Rating: 24


Postcards 2 4
Souvenirs 4 2
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Алла
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jan 29, 1985


Good day, ladies and gentlemen!
My name is Alla, I'm 26 years old. Cheerful, active Russian girl. I love ice cream, men and children's laughter! By education I am a musician. I'm fond of psychology and esoteric. Recently our family was a miracle - was born a little pretty girl. In the future, with the help of your cards, I'll tell her about this great world! So are most interested in postcards depicting everything to do with it of your country! But also I'm glad all of your card.

Happy postcrossing! )))

Exchange Preferences

I am interested in these cards, such as:
- Retro
- Esoteric
- Humor
- Black and white
- Unusual
- Cartoons of your country
- Orange
- Things to do

Please specify what site your postcard or souvenir!
P.S.: Send gifts to my little princess! It will be very happy to them =)


  • This user received souvenir RU-7339 from user Vashti

  • This user received postcard PL-132 from user blanchebeata

  • This user received postcard UA-880 from user OksanaL

  • This user received postcard UZ-44 from user Neko

  • This user received postcard RU-8081 from user Asbuka

  • User ksusha received souvenir RU-5025 from this user

  • This user received souvenir EE-15 from user Youns

  • User Dimka received souvenir RU-4409 from this user

  • User shirokhoff received postcard RU-2038 from this user

  • User polym received postcard RU-2042 from this user

  • User belo4ka received souvenir RU-1433 from this user

  • User Porubova received souvenir RU-1437 from this user