Groups & Shops

The exchange of empty cigarette packs.
Сюрпризная бандеролька

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 4


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Ekaterina
Sex Female


My name is Kate. I am from wonderful city Moscow, which is the capital of Russia.
My passion is music, I play the piano and promote this music to all my friends!:)
I spend my free time making photos, reading, watching movies, and learning about world cultures. I am really interested in travelling to different countries and cities, studying about them.

Exchange Preferences

I prefer postcards with the image of your city, its views and sights, architecture, elements of your national culture, local people. Also I like reproductions of paintings and vintage postcards. Please, tell me about what is on the card and about the place where you live. I will be happy if you write something in your own language (with translation).
Anyway I will be glad to receive any card from you. Have a nice day!

