Groups & Shops

Обмен косметикой и косметическими средствами из разных городов и стран | The exchange of cosmetics and cosmetic products from different cities and countries
Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards) \Обмен, региональные или национальные карты таро или игральные карты (одиночные карты или полная колода карт)

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From Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur / Damansara

Rating: 8


Postcards 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Male

Exchange Preferences

I would like a postcard (especially handwritten) from anywhere in the world, I would much appreciate a postcard from the city or country you live in with some symbol buildings. And showing me the situation and environment,etc...
I hope you can write some words with your language or introduce your hometown on the postcard.

However, whatever you select, any card is very welcome.
