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Сюрпризная бандеролька
I Love Canada! (Postcards)

Top countries


From Belarus / Minsk / Minsk

Rating: 34


Postcards 4 13
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


Привет, world!
I am Lena from Bealrus, the country which is situated in the center of Europe. I live in the capital of Belarus- nice city Minsk. The city is very beautiful, green, clean, though it cant boast of many historic places (cause most were destroyed during WW2), but sure there are a lot places to visit here.

Exchange Preferences

Some hints for you to choose which card to send:
♥ post boxes;
♥ windows, doors, facades;
♥ открытки !!!Советские мультфильмы!!!\Виктории Кирдий\Котовасия;
