Groups & Shops

Group infected by russian propaganda!!
Stamp+Related/Special Postmark
Обмін по Україні - Exchange in Ukraine

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Udmurt / Sarapul

Rating: 0


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Igor
Sex Male
Date Of Birth 20 mar. 1991


Higher education, biochemistry


I love sports, medicine, history, especially genealogy. I like to get fridge magnets, postcards, banknotes and coins from other countries for collection. Interesting, unusual brand, souvenirs related to the country and national culture. On postcards and letters, please specify the date and tell me in a few words about yourself and your classes. Specify the return address so that I can send you something in response. I think it will be interesting.

Exchange Preferences

postal stamp
fridge magnets
souvenirs related to your country