Groups & Shops

Tea exchange

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Samara / Samara

Rating: 12


Postcards 5 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Evgenia
Sex Female



Here are Vadim, Eugeniya and our cute son Domian. We love to make new friends. In the evenings we enjoy going to the tea club,playing board games with our friends
And..feel free to write in your own language!

Write me something about you. About the place where you live. You can write what you make in your free time. Or you write me what makes you happy.

We are сollecting stamps. We will be happy to get new stamp your country in envelope.

Postcards with people and nature scenes from your country and/or hometown are a favorite.

BUT We like all kinds of postcards :)

Если вы из России: нам приятно будет получить открытки с вашим городом, ещё мы любим старые открытки, советские, чёрно белые...и те которые нравятся вам!!

Exchange Preferences

We are сollecting coins. We will be happy to get coin in your country in envelope.

Postcards with people and nature scenes from your country and/or hometown are a favorite.

BUT We like all kinds of postcards :)
