Groups & Shops

Обмін по Україні - Exchange in Ukraine
обмен на автора Л.Гнедкова

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad

Rating: 26


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 7 6
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Maria
Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

Hello! My name's Maria. I live in Kaliningrad - the western city in Russia.
I am happy to receive any souvenir related to geography and tourism: maps, brochures of your country and city, magnets.
Аlso I'll be glad something edible, something of cosmetics, tea bag or cacao from your country..and all you want.
If you don't know what to write tell me something about your country or your favorite music, hobbies etc.
Thank you!
