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One day in my life (envelope exchange)

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From Luxembourg / Luxembourg / Luxembourg

Rating: 166


Postcards 26 16
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 2 24

Personal Info

Real Name Rouwaida
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 20 nov 1992


Phone 0639285340


Je suis etudiante

Exchange Preferences

Hi ,
I am french student . I join Postcrossing to exchange with people.

As I m going to undertake important examination , I would like to write you on the postcard a leitmotive , a quote about motivation or something that inspire you to work hard

Please write me your favorites quotes
-your best lesson about life
-the most difficult moment you have been through
- if you have had to forgive someone or yourself
-things you want to do before die
-something that miss you in your life,
-your worst lie
-your favorite sad song or love song
something to motivate me during my stay in Paris .

Share with me your favorite perfume, (print it on the card if you can )
I would be happy to receive card for my birthday in November !!! And for you who is reading this post , dont forget that any card you ll send me will be welcomed as gift because you took time to write me .
Be happy
