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Animals postcards
Fridge Magnets Exchange (Magnetcrossing)
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From Uzbekistan / Toshkent / Tashkent

Rating: 68


Postcards 18 16
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Nataliya Novik
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 1 mar 1966


I am 56 years old. Ilove to travel, read books and visit theaters and exhibitions. I have a large collection of Soviet postcards.

Exchange Preferences

Hello to all from sunny Uzbekistan. I love any pretty postcards.Except for homemade postcards, and postcards on which there are simply inscriptions. Please do not send me such postcards. If its not difficult for you, send me a postcard in an envelope, then it will not deteriorate upon delivery.
