Groups & Shops

Обмен плюшевыми игрушками (Exchange plush toys)
The card is a payphone . PHONE CARD

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Arkhangel'sk / Severodvinsk

Rating: 58


Postcards 7 5
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Александра
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 26 giu 1990




Северный Арктический Федеральный Университет Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств


My name is Alexandra, I'm from a small town located on the White Sea coast.
I teach with a technical university, I like science and modern technology.
Most recently, I began to travel. So there was a hobby - to bring postcards from different parts of the world.
I like postcards with places from cities (especially bridges), architecture, nature.
I also like postcards with modern paintings, umbrellas, just something unusual or romantic.

If you have the opportunity - write a little about your life: where you are from, what you like in the place where you live now or what you dream about.

I will be happy with any postcard.

Happy postcrossing!

Exchange Preferences

Открытки. Особенно нравятся открытки с мостами, зонтиками, современной живописью, графикой. Но буду рада совершенно любой.
