Groups & Shops

Meetup postcards

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From Germany / Niedersachsen / Nordhorn

Rating: 18


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 2 2
Group Postages 0 3

Personal Info

Real Name Sophie
Date Of Birth 2 may. 2001


My name is Sophie and I´m 13 years old. Nordhorn is the district seat of Grafschaft Bentheim in Lower Saxony's southwesternmost corner near the border with the Netherlands and the boundary with North Rhine-Westphalia. My hobbies are to play the piano, football and tennis. I´ve got one brother. He´s nine years old and he also likes collecting postcards and other souvenirs.
When I´m travelling I always buy some souvenirs myself but I´m only thirteen so I can´t travel far away. I hope this project helps me to collect souvenirs from all over the world:-)


Exchange Preferences

I´m very happy if I can swap with you:-)
I love postcards from cities/ landscapes etc.
Besides I love magnets, key chains, matryoshkas and banknotes or other souvenirs from your country:-)
I´m happy to meet you:-)




  • This user received souvenir RU-12984 from user marie_amur

  • This user received postcard RU-25242 from user ficus

  • This user received souvenir RU-12838 from user NVH

  • User LYARA received souvenir DE-75 from this user

  • User walrus received postcard DE-425 from this user

  • User Natalija received souvenir DE-74 from this user