Groups & Shops

Postcards of india

Top countries


From Brazil / Sao Paulo / São Paulo

Rating: 36


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 2 2
Group Postages 5 9

Personal Info

Real Name Bruna
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Nov 29, 1985


Hello, there!!
Welcome to Brazil!!

I live in São Paulo and I enjoy simple things in life: I like to dance, to read books, to watch movies... I like to take pictures and walk around the city. I like to run in the pouring rains and eat delicious dishes. I love the sunshine at mornings, take long showers and singing when there is nobody to watch hahahah I like to hear stories about people around the world. I really enjoy to know about other cultures and routines.
I also love souvenir exchange, so, if you send me something extra with your postcard, I promess to send you something in return :-D

Best wishes,
Bruna Freire

